Wednesday, July 24, 2013

30th day - THE END!

After one day of visiting fast Brussels...Hugo took his brother's car to take Liis to the airport...And it all ended as fast as it started =/


Summary of the trip:
Lasted: 30 days.
Hitchhiked in 59 cars.
Made 4677km without paying.
Been in: 13 countries & 25 cities.
Used all kind of transports: car, truck, van, caravan, mini-bus, bus, ferry, bicycle, tram, electric, metro & plane.
Slept in: bed, sofa, floor, inflatable mattress, balcony, caravan, abandoned house & squad factory.
Helped by this amazingly beautiful persons in many ways (and any others that we didn't even got to know the name):

Valdemar, Damian, Ola, Igor, Kamil, Raymond, Natalia, Pawel, Leszek, Salome, Ania, Michael, Petr, Alek, Zbyszek, Kolin, Marco, Barbora, Martina, Lucia, Cristaps, Daniela, Eva, Carlos, Mariana, Liao, Clemens, Chino, Adi, Petra, Mirek, Andy, Kat, Ursula, Nusa, Ladi, Ziga, Ivan, Janez, Simon, Mateja, Mojka, Manca, Katarina, Antonia, Plavavesna, Tonca, Totic, Sandra, Denis, Vicent, Igor, Iva, Angie, Tim, Claudia, Maria, Peter, Lota, Lena, Mikolay, Ante, Plamens, Jens, Susana, Gabriela, Arbri, Margarida, Jose, Milka, Tomas, Niko, Gary, Dimitrios, Marya, Tacos, Manuela, George, Panagiotakis, Tano, Angelin, Darko, Lille, Bossa, Rada, Juric, Radmilla, Marcio, Jana, Rita, Frank, Roland, Mari-Liis, Astrid, Marianai, Tom, Marinca, Esita, Nuno, Alina, Karin & Bu.

Portugal & Estonia joined together to one crazy adventure...Now it's ended! But we will always remember this trip as one of the most incredible achievements of our life =D Thanks for the bottom of our hearths to all that were with us in our amazing journey...even if it was only in our minds! Thanks to all the good people that we met that made us believe in human kind all over again! Thanks for all the good moments even if it was just for one quick smile! See you all someday somewhere and somehow =p

1 comment:

  1. Cheers, it was a pleasure to meet you guys! Great adventure!
